Using Hashtags in Twitter allows users to find and follow people and interests. There are tools that will help you monitor and research Hashtags to find out what is most popular and target your perfect audience.

There are many tools available to use when researching hashtags for your business. Check out my interview on the Jim Blasingame Small Business Advocate Radio Show where we discuss how to use Hashtags for Research in your marketing on Twitter.

If you are trying to find out popular hashtags, you can use a tool like Rite Tag. There is a Chrome extension for Rite Tag that will let you check specific text and images to get hashtag suggestions.

There is a free version of Hashtagify to get data on popular hashtags and find out who is using particular hashtags, the geographic reach and the languages reach. They have a paid version for more features.

Tweet Archivist provides real-time data for Day-Of searches. They also have a free version that will provide you with a report of the top URLs and words from your search. If you want to download the data, then you will need the paid version. Keyhole will also let you search in real-time.

Trendsmap will show you local hashtags that are trending. This is a great tool for local businesses since you can find out what the most popular topics are in your local area. The free tool lets you search for real-time data, but if you want to research historical data with a lot more capabilities, you will need their paid version.

To Success!
Kathy Perry
Social Media & Facebook Advertising Consultant
[email protected]

P.S. Let me know if you need help on this, feel free to call me at 813-789-9580