
Are you overwhelmed by the endless streams of information coming at you about marketing your business online?

Are you tired of being in the dark or stuck in the online marketing, mobile apps and social media maze when it comes to online trends and marketing strategies?

Are you sick of being talked down to by social media and technology experts that offer point solutions that don’t address your strategic goals?

If you answered YES to any of these questions, then you will be delighted to know that there are Coaching Packages designed specifically for you to help you grow your business and expand your market reach.

Frequently clients come to Kathy for help, because they are feeling overwhelmed and frustrated from trying to make sense of and keep up with the fast-paced and ever changing landscape of Internet Marketing, Mobile Marketing and Social Media.

Kathy helps remove all the overwhelm and frustration with her unique coaching system. Her Hub Socializer Social Marketing Tree system simplifies social, mobile and web marketing so that anyone can tap into the power of the Internet. She takes you by the hand and speaks in a language you can understand so that you are no longer held hostage by web masters that speak ‘Geek or Greek’.


The Problem:

  • Fear & Confusion
  • Overwhelm
  • Things changing too fast
  • Can’t keep up
  • Shiny new objects every day
  • Can’t see the forest for the trees

The Solution:

 Kathy’s Hub Socializer Social Marketing Tree Course is known for taking the fear and confusion out of marketing on the Internet.

Hub Socializer Mission:

To Empower, Enable & Extend Viral Brand Communication that Drives Business

Hub SocializerWith this Social Marketing Tree System clients are able to increase the visibility of their products and services to their target audience faster, in a more cost effective way and achieve a much greater ROI. The Hub Socializer system assists in understanding and navigating the Internet Marketing and Social Media Maze, saving both time and money.

Kathy offers her Digital Marketing and Social Media Coaching Services through a unique process that reveals gaps in strategic communications. She provides a holistic approach to marketing that goes beyond traditional marketing methodology. Kathy uses the Hub Socializer Social Marketing Tree System in working with clients, to provide an online marketing and social media strategy for their businesses. She has coaching clients throughout the United States, as well as in the Tampa Bay area.

“Someone looking in from the outside always sees things that aren’t visible from within.”

Kathy Perry